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Open Meetings Act

Contact InformationThe Mayor, City Council, and City officials welcome public participation and appreciate your attendance. If you have any questions about the Council meeting or process either before or after the meeting, please feel free to call or visit the City Clerk's office at (630) 530-3015 or the Mayor / Manager's office at (630) 530-3010.
Practices, Rules, and GuidelinesThe Council meetings' practices, rules, and guidelines are as follows:

  • The agenda for council meetings are available at the rear of the Council Chamber. The City Council regularly meets on the first and third Monday night of each month. Standing Council committees generally meet on the second and fourth Mondays to review issues that will be brought to formal City Council meetings. Both Council and committee meetings are open to the public.
  • City Council meetings are formal, with the Mayor acting as presiding officer, and follow Elmhurst ordinances relative to procedures and Robert's Rules of Order relative to parliamentary process.
  • You may address the Council on any City-related matter during the public forum portion of the meeting. Please approach a microphone once you have been recognized by the City Clerk and state your name and address. Limit your remarks to three (3) minutes and refrain from repetitive statements.
  • If you wish to speak regarding a particular Council agenda item, please be aware that the Council must suspend its rules to allow you to speak during the formal Council meeting. Your comments should be directed to the presiding officer.
  • The consent agenda consists of previously considered or routine matters that generally do not require further discussion. Any item that the Mayor or an alderman wish to discuss further can be removed from the consent agenda. After approval of the consent agenda in an "omnibus vote," the Council will review and vote upon items taken off the consent agenda.
  • Following the consent agenda, the remaining agenda items are considered.
Public Forum Steps & GuidelinesWhen giving public testimony, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Sign in by clearly printing your name and a brief description of the topic you wish to discuss prior to the start of the Council Meeting.
  2. Move toward the microphone once you have been recognized by the City Clerk. Microphones are located on either side of the Council Chambers.
  3. The City Council is not obligated to respond to comments made during Public Forum. Questions/Comments are often addressed in subsequent discussion during or after the meeting, or a later date.
  • To avoid confusion, please do not move until you have been recognized by the Chair.
  • Limit your comments to 3 minutes and avoid repeating the comments of previous speakers.
  • You may speak only once during the Public Forum.
  • Be aware that you are giving a public testimony.
  • Do not pose a question for which you need an immediate response.
  • Do not attempt to engage in a debate from the floor.
Elmhurst City Council 101